Metadata Export: Multiple files when exporting in XML format
Applies to: SPListX for SharePoint 7.x only.
How do I export the metadata in XML format?
SPListX provides two options to export metadata in XML format as stated below:
1. XML (single file)
2. XML with DTD (multiple files)
XML (single file)
This option facilitates the user to export the entire metadata to a single XML file.
When this option is set, the application generates an XML file using the filename (using the List name and List GUID in the format – List Name (List GUID) to maintain a unique metadata file name) in the stated metadata file location with the metadata information.
XML with DTD (multiple files)
This option in SPListX uses Document Type Definition (DTD) syntax to define the document structure of the XML metadata file. This declaration has been introduced primarily to support large XML metadata files, minimize memory footprint when working with large XML files and improve metadata file throughput.
XML metadata files are split into multiple text files and stored in a folder location that is constructed using the list name and its corresponding GUID. An XML file is created using the metadata filename specified by the user in the stated metadata file location. When you click the XML file, the text files in the folder are re-grouped using the DTD file to form a single XML file.
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